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It's okay for a man to go and seek help.

Sometimes men feel that it's not- it's unmanly to go and ask for help. And that is that is incorrect.

Yes, it is okay to seek help.

Don't always wait for it to come to you and don't feel ashamed of seeking help.

It doesn't go against your manhood or your religious- if you follow a religion- it doesn't go against your religious values to go and seek help.

Seeking help is actually a sign of strength, I would say, because especially when you want to save a very important situation and this situation is this relationship that is so valued to you.

That's number one.

As for the symptoms that may give us an indication that a relationship is unhealthy, there are different symptoms.

One, breakdown in communication, two, not speaking to each other gently.

Three, people sitting in the same house with a lot of tension in the relationship.

But also fourth, and this is not unusual, is that the intimate relationship between them has broken down and there is no intimacy at all.

Whether it is intimacy in the bedroom or even simple things such as a smile or a hug or a kiss on the cheek; or when there is now, of course, abuse, any form of abuse, then of course, clearly this is an indication that the relationship has broken down or is breaking down.

And one must therefore seek intervention at that point.

If your partner goes to seek support, I don't think we should be worried about that.

In fact, we should encourage our partners if we feel that we can't resolve it.

And there is that possibility because when we're upset, when we're angry, we can become subjective and we can become biased.

And therefore it might be necessary to bring a third neutral, unbiased party.

There's no shame in doing so.

In fact, it could save a person's life just going to speak to somebody.